
Check out what some of our students had to say

5 star rating

Filling the Gap: ‘Dagster Essentials’ Delivers a Comprehensive Masterclass

Juan Domenech

The dedication and effort the team put into creating comprehensive content are evident. Every module resonates with quality, making it an enriching learning experience. Highly recommended for anyone diving into Dagster.

The dedication and effort the team put into creating comprehensive content are evident. Every module resonates with quality, making it an enriching learning experience. Highly recommended for anyone diving into Dagster.

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5 star rating

The best way to start your journey

Sven Sporer

I played with Dagster before but wasn't able to wrap my head around all the concepts. This course however tied all these essential Dagster components (assets, jobs, sensors, partitions, ...) together for me, based on a nice project. Great job Team...

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I played with Dagster before but wasn't able to wrap my head around all the concepts. This course however tied all these essential Dagster components (assets, jobs, sensors, partitions, ...) together for me, based on a nice project. Great job Team Dagster!

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5 star rating

Dagster University Rocks

Ismael Rodrigues

I just saw the YouTube video and I just finished my course. It's awesome to a starter to understand how Dagster works. I liked the way you pass trough every important thing that you can use on Dagster. The only thing I think you missed was the Job...

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I just saw the YouTube video and I just finished my course. It's awesome to a starter to understand how Dagster works. I liked the way you pass trough every important thing that you can use on Dagster. The only thing I think you missed was the Job/Op way to do things, I understand that the main focus was on SDA, but there are pratical things you can only do using Job/Op, such as Dynamic Outs, this is by far the most pratical tool you guys have coded until now, I can easily extract 10GB of data and divide it in lots of outputs, I do use this for a lot of my Jobs and is the only reason I didn't changed to SDA yet, if there was a way to use this kind of computation on SDA, I would migrate my jobs tomorrow, haha, anyway. Congrats for the course I loved, I'll send this to my new D.E. Junior tomorrow so he can understand how things work. Thanks!

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5 star rating

Very thorough and useful course for Dagster users

Wonjae Lee

One of best free courses

One of best free courses

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4 star rating

Good Comprehensive Course

Huzefa Zoaib